True Change Comes from Within

True Change Comes from Within

Clearing the Clutter

Have you ever wondered why you keep following the same patterns? Repeating the same mistakes? Attracting the same drama? Have you ever considered that the reason for these things is that we have not dug down deep inside and changed ourselves?

We broke up with that person we were dating, we left the company, we ended those toxic friendships, but because we didn't change OURSELVES we keep attracting the same things back into our lives - only packaged differently. You're still dating your boyfriend or girlfriend, they just look different, sound different and are housed in a different body. We're still operating in the same unfulfilling career, it's just a different job or company. We still have the same negative, dead-end, gossiping friends; they are just packaged as different people.

We're holding on to too much baggage; clinging to the past. It's like cleaning out your closet but you continue to hold on to those things you think you still might have use for (although you haven't worn it in 5 to 10 years). And then you find yourself cleaning out that same closet again 6 months later.

Once we completely clear out ALL of those things that are hindering and blocking us, and create a new reality for ourselves - changing ourselves in the process - it is then that those old useless things (or people) will no longer return to us. We can start anew. You have to let go of the old things in order to make room for the new things to arrive. It's all part of expanding.

© 2016 Debbie McKiver 


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